Now I'm Growing! Prince of the Potty - Little Steps for Big Kids! (HC) - InnovativeKids

-10% Out Of Stock Now I'm Growing! Prince of the Potty - Little Steps for Big Kids! (HC) - InnovativeKids - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: KID-9781601690777
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 70 HK$ 63
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Now I'm Growing! Prince of the Potty - Little Steps for Big Kids! (HC)

From the best-selling author of the Now I'm Reading! series comes a brand new line created to help both parents and children as they take on the many steps, challenges, and changes that go hand in hand with little kids becoming bigger kids. With contemporary art and child-friendly stories, these books provide a fresh approach to growing up. From smelly, wet diapers to clean big kid underwear, little boys will laugh their way right out of their pants and onto the potty as they master this momentous milestone

作者 Nora Gaydos
ISBN 9781601690777
插圖者 Akemi Gutierrez
種類 硬皮書
頁數 30

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