Original 基本哺乳胸圍 (白色) - M 碼 - Bravado

Out Of Stock Original 基本哺乳胸圍 (白色) - M 碼 - Bravado - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: BVD-807978127070
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 289 HK$ 260
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Bravado - Original 基本哺乳胸圍

Body Silk Seamless Rhythm 無痕運動型哺乳胸圍是一款美麗時尚的運動休閒胸圍,採用4向彈力面料的貼身罩杯,包裹媽媽們正在變化的胸型,同時亦能配合不同懷孕哺育期的需要。穿戴這款胸圍,帶來清爽清新的感覺,無論是懷孕期或哺育期,媽媽們可以盡情參與和享受各樣活動,表現真我個性。

  • 非常柔軟順滑面料、無縫、無 痕、無鋼圈,更添舒適度
  • 4向彈力面料可以完全包裹媽媽 們正在變化的胸型
  • 吸濕排汗,保持乾爽,適合低 強度活動
  • 貼身罩杯可以塑形和提供舒適的 乳房分隔距離
  • 可移除式內置胸墊為你帶來自由 選擇,同時幫助塑造美麗胸型
  • 段染效果有鮮明對比的飾邊,加 上時尚的工字背設計,營造活潑 的運動風格
  • 套頭款式加上鉤扣和眼孔,可調 節寬鬆及提供舒適的支撐


  • Pregnant or nursing, your body is going to change, and it's key to size for your breasts now. Stay comfortable in a well-fitted bra - our bras are designed to grow with you.

Fabric: 49% Cotton, 32% Modal, 19% Spandex 

How to Size

Before You Begin

  • Have a measuring tape, pen and paper ready
  • You will also need to be in front of a mirror
  • Wear a non-padded bra that reflects your true shape
  • You’ll need to determine 2 things: your rib band and your cup size. Only 2 measurements!

Rib Band Measurement

Measure your chest (we know this seems odd, but it works!). Place the measuring tape around your back and under your armpits. Check in the mirror to ensure the measuring tape is parallel to the floor along your back as well as along your breasts. The measuring tape should be placed above your breast tissue. The tape should be snug around your body and make sure that you don’t have any fingers underneath the tape. If you are in between sizes, round up or down to the nearest even number. This will be your rib band size (34, 36 etc.).

Chest Measurement

Measure around the fullest part of your breasts, over your nipple area. This is a looser measurement than the rib band measurement. Hold the end of the measuring tape at the side of your breast. While holding both ends of the tape with one hand, use your free hand to press the measuring tape in between your breasts to your chest. This will provide a more accurate cup size measurement.

Subtract the rib band measurement from the cup size measurement. Each number or inch represents one letter. For example, if your rib band is 34 and your cup measurement is 38; 38-34 = 4, 4 equates to a D (2=B, 3=C, 4=D, 5=DD(E), 6=DDD(F)…). You are a D cup. Your nursing bra size is a 34D.

Bra Chart

來源地 美國
生產地 馬來西亞

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