Peekaboo! Dinosaur - Make Believe Ideas

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型 號: MBI-9781789474848
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 99 HK$ 69
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Make Believe Ideas - Peekaboo! Dinosaur

This dinosaur-themed addition to our playful Peekaboo range is perfect for reading together. Read the rhyme, and then use the fold-out mirror to copy the actions of the dinosaurs inside! Sturdy board pages are perfect for little hands to hold. PLAYFUL DINOSAUR-THEMED BOARD BOOK WITH A FOLD-OUT MIRROR

  • A playful, dinosaur-themed board book.
  • Little ones will love copying the actions of the dinosaurs in the fold-out mirror.
  • With rhyming text throughout.

作者 Christie Hainsby
出版社 Make Believe Ideas
ISBN 9781789474848
插圖者 Dawn Machell
種類 Board book with mirror in gatefold
頁數 12 pages
尺碼 180 × 213 × 18 mm

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