Picture Book (PB): Max and Tallulah - Parragon

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型 號: PRG-9781472364579
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Parragon - Max and Tallulah

A Little Love Story

Max loves Tallulah with all his heart.

But he is too shy to tell her.

How will he ever get her attention?

So he tries all sorts of other ways to get her attention but it all goes wrong!

Finally he gets the best idea of all!

A sweet love story about just being yourself.

Appealing new characters and simple, endearing text

Based on the ever-popular love and emotive themes

出版社 Parragon Books
ISBN 9781472364579
插圖者 Grace Lee
種類 軟皮書
頁數 32 pages
尺碼 280 x 246 x 4mm

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