Pull Me Eli Elephant - Tiny Love

-28% Out Of Stock Pull Me Eli Elephant - Tiny Love - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: TNY-735259004034
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 69 HK$ 50
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Tiny Love - Pull Me

Social smile appears at around 6-8 weeks of age, so when your baby is around 2 months old, they may smile back at a smiling face (or take a little longer to reach that milestone). The smiling expression of Eli Elephant, combined with the jittery feature and crinkly ears help heighten baby's senses. As a newborn, hold the elephant in your hand at 10-12 inches away from baby's face, and allow baby to observe it. After a few months, your baby will reach out with their hand - at first, randomly, and gradually, with purpose - and bats at the toy, causing it to swing and make pleasing sounds. This effect is captivating and encourages them to try again. Once beyond 4 months, as your baby's grasp reflex disappears, control of their hands improves, allowing them to reach out confidently to bat the toy or grasp it for further exploration.

Tiny Love strives to identify the latest discoveries in child development and translate them into engaging, interactive toys that nurture skills and delight the senses.

  • Rattle
  • Jitter
  • Crinkly ears
  • 0m+

Who is Tiny Love?

Tiny Love is an established international company that continually works to come up with developmental toys that stimulate your baby’s skills and sense, nurture and develop your relationship and help you enjoy your time together during those first exciting years.

Their aim is to create products that would support baby’s development from birth through 24 months and offer smart solutions to parents changing needs. Their high-quality products help parents not only to fulfil their role in baby’s life but also to enjoy it.


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