Scanorama - Amazing Animals - Silver Dolphin

Scanorama - Amazing Animals - Silver Dolphin - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: SVD-9781626866317
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 190 HK$ 171
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Silver Dolphin - Scanorama: Amazing Animals

Silver Dolphin compelling Scanorama series of interactive books uses an innovative slider to transform illustrated animals into virtual X-ray images, so readers can see what lies beneath the skin of their favorite creatures! Whether it’s Deadly PredatorsAmazing Animals, or Dinosaurs, children will be captivated by the changing images while learning about incredible animals from a wide range of habitats. Information about each species is presented in rich detail through colorful illustrations, diagrams, and photographs, with even more facts to be discovered under the interactive flaps. Recommended for ages 7 and up.

Slide the scanner across the page to discover what lies under the skin of the world’s most fascinating creatures! In Scanorama: Amazing Animals, readers will meet a variety of species from across the animal kingdom and learn about their astounding feats of strength, speed, and endurance. The five movable sliders transform the illustrated animals--including an anaconda, a thorny devil, and a blue whale—to reveal their skeletons, creating a virtual X-ray on the page. Captivating facts, photographs, and illustrations provide even more details on each animal, and interactive flaps to lift enhance the scan-tastic educational experience. 

作者 Anna Claybourne
出版社 Silver Dolphin Books
ISBN 9781626866317
插圖者 David Bumie
頁數 32
尺碼 335 x 216 x 22mm

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