School Zone - Giant Workbook - First Grade (5-7y) - Hinkler

-14% School Zone - Giant Workbook - First Grade (5-7y) - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HIN-9781488940873
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 95 HK$ 82
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Hinkler - School Zone - Giant Workbook - First Grade

The School Zone Giant First Grade workbook is packed with exercises that make learning fun! 
These proven activities will help your child be successful in school by developing skills in areas such as critical thinking, phonics and spelling, reading comprehension, vocabulary, basic maths and more! 
This workbook is perfect for setting the foundation for lifelong learning.

# of Page: 224

Age: 5-7

出版社 Hinkler
ISBN 9781488940873
頁數 224
尺碼 276 x 216 x 16 mm

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