School Zone - Spelling Words Learning Set - Hinkler

School Zone - Spelling Words Learning Set - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HIN-9781488930799
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 99 HK$ 92
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School Zone - Spelling Words Learning Set

  • AMAZING - Spelling success starts with practice! This learning set provides multiple ways to learn and contains everything kids need to spell words with confidence. Kids will enjoy the variety of activities and the whole family can join in the fun! Perfect for classroom learning centers. This set contains: 4 double-sided game boards, 2 sets of 36 game cards that can also be used without the game boards, a 48-page learning pad, 28 double-sided quiz cards, 50+ press-out uppercase and lowercase letter pieces for use with games and quiz cards, and a Parent Guide. This set is intended for 1 to 4 players ages 6 and up.
  • BOXED LEARNING GAMES - Use it at home, travel with it, or keep more than one child busy in the classroom as a reward or while others are finishing their work. Plus, it all comes in one handy carrying case that makes clean-up and storage easy. A+ learning for 1 to 4 players! It's a big package at a small price.
  • RESULTS - Our learning materials have helped educate three generations of kids, creating lifelong learners, and the legacy continues. Digital content, flash cards, workbooks, readers, toys, and games—all are crafted through a child's eyes while integrating parent and teacher standards.
  • PREPARATION - Let us help you prepare your young child for the next grade level with our workbooks, flash cards, books and a Little Scholar Tablet. Keep kids "classroom ready" with these great supplemental learning tools and more!
  • AWARD WINNING - School Zone content has won The Parents' Choice Foundation Award, Tillywig Toy Awards, Brainchild Award, Family Choice Award, Mom's Choice Awards Honoring Excellence, Gold Star Toy Scholastic Parent and Child Award and many more.
  • School Zone Publishing: Nourishing Young Minds
出版社 Hinkler
ISBN 9781488921858
頁數 32
尺碼 216 x 276mm

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