Science Museum Approved - Robotics - Mecha Dragon - Clementoni

Science Museum Approved - Robotics - Mecha Dragon - Clementoni - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: CLM-8005125615292
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 699 HK$ 629
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Clementoni - Science Museum Approved - Robotics - Mecha Dragon

Science Museum Approved

  • A kit to make a fantastic Mechanical Dragon that uses its 3 motors and multiple sensors to interact with the child and the surrounding environment for endless adventures!
  • The Dragon can be controlled using an app that communicates with high frequency signals, with the whistle included in the package, or with the simple clap of your hands.
  • Using its 2 motors and the servo motor, it moves its wings and mouth, the drive wheel and the joint in the middle of the body, which allows it to turn and chase its prey as if it were alive.
  • A unique robot with 3 game modes and 22 functions to discover robotics in a fun and easy way and apply the principles of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
  • The Mecha Dragon is perfect for developing dexterity, logic, spatial orientation and imagination, particularly because of the great interactivity of the game and the unique experience of building it.
  • Conceived, designed and developed in Italy.
  • Suitable for children from 8 years and older
  • Made in Italy

來源地 意大利
生產地 意大利

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