Science Museum Approved - Rolling Bot - Clementoni

Science Museum Approved - Rolling Bot - Clementoni - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

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型 號: CLM-8005125750559
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 169 HK$ 152
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Clementoni - Science Museum Approved - Rolling Bot

  •  Simply adorable with its funny looks, the panda robot moves by doing somersaults like in real life! An animal robot that can be assembled for an unrivalled play experience.
  •  A comprehensive play experience: from the construction stage to direct interaction, a magical adventure in the robotics world. Ideal for developing manual skills, logical abilities and imagination.
  •  A robot inspired by the animal world that introduces children to robotics in an original way. The panda performs the somersault while showing the mechanical interaction behind this action.
  •  An exclusive and engaging experience that allows the child to interact with the assembled construction, making the game’s progress fun for children and adults alike.
  •  Standing nearly 25 cm tall, the robot reproduces the panda’s movement with the amusing clumsiness of this animal. The animal world was chosen to let children observe simple mechanical interactions.
  •  The motor allows the panda to do repeated somersaults in a succession of automatic movements. The rotary movement enables it to “bounce” on walls and change direction.
  •  During this process, the child is captured by a fun yet engaging play sequence, enabling them to observe how a specific type of motor works.
  •  Once it has been built, the panda can be simply placed on its upper limbs and pushed gently to see it roll once, twice, thrice...countless times!
  • Recommended age: + 8 years old.
  • Made in Italy.
來源地 意大利
生產地 意大利
年齡組別 8+

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