Serve It Up! Play Restaurant - Learning Resources

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Learning Resources - Serve It Up! Play Restaurant

We're serving breakfast and dinner with a side of learning fun! The world of restaurants comes home with the Serve it Up! Play Restaurant* from Learning Resources. This imaginative activity set contains everything you need to re-create the restaurant experience right at your own table. The set includes foods for breakfast (including a pancake, fried egg, piece of toast, and two kinds of fruit) and dinner (including a t-bone steak, asparagus bundle, and two slices of bell peppers), as well as plates, drinks, a placemat, and more. When they're not serving up their latest order, kids can use this set to learn real-world skills-with the help of the set's play money, order pad, and pretend menu, parents can teach lessons including how to order off of a menu, how to pay the check at the end of the meal, and how to set the table for dinner.

  • Re-create the restaurant experience at home with this imaginative role playing collection
  • Includes play food versions of breakfast and dinner favorites including a pancake, fried egg, and t-bone steak
  • Pretend menu, play money, and order pad helps kids learn lessons in restaurant etiquette, counting, and social skills
  • Write-and-wipe materials combine customizability with easy cleanup

Age 3+
Grade PreK+


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