Snuggin Go Too Child Positioner Body Support (Green) - Others

-48% Snuggin Go Too Child Positioner Body Support (Green) - Others - BabyOnline HK

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品 牌: Others
型 號: SNG-854730002205
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 359 HK$ 188
您節省了: 48% (-HK$ 171)
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Snuggin Go - Infant Body Support

  • Keeps baby breathing right in car seats, strollers, swings, bouncy chairs, high chairs, and more
  • For preterm and term babies
  • Cradles baby's head & body reducing reflux and flat spots
  • Adjustable and grows with from birth to 1 year of age
  • Mom/nirse practitioner Invented

The Snuggin Go is an infant positioner designed by Beth Rumack, a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner. After years of helping parents position the smallest infants into car seats with rolled blankets and towels, her own daughter was born in 2004 at just 6 pounds. Beth spent 5 years researching and designing the Snuggin Go out of a sincere desire to reduce the danger infants face when improperly positioned in a seat.

The whole Snuggin Go is washable and has a removable cover

Beth describes her main objective in designing the Snuggin Go, “It is very important to me to bring awareness of infant positioning and the potential life threatening events that infants can have when they are placed in seating products for extended periods of time. Snuggin Go is a quality product that works and parents can trust it.”

When infants are seated improperly there is a potential for the airways to be constricted which can lead to a number of breathing issues including; apnea, oxygen desaturation, and episodes of reduced heart rate.

The Snuggin Go is crash safety tested for use in car seats, and is specifically designed to eliminate airway constriction in infants when seated. The product is made with memory foam that responds to as little as 4 pounds of pressure for the smallest infants. Two tubes sit on either side of the baby and one sits under the legs, while a strap crosses behind supporting the shoulder blades. This pressure pushes the chest out slightly fully expanding the airway. The tubes surrounding the baby eliminate slouching and rolling.

The Snuggin Go can be used in all seating products including; car seats, strollers, swings, high chairs, and bouncy seats. The Snuggin Go reduces the risk of SIDS.

Made in the USA


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