Spelling Flashcards - 1st Grade - Sylvan Learning

Out Of Stock Spelling Flashcards - 1st Grade - Sylvan Learning - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: SYL-9780307479389
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 110 HK$ 99
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Sylvan Learning - Spelling Flashcards - 1st Grade


Colorful illustrations and exciting words make these spelling flashcards fun for any kid! We’ve selected 230 words to help your child develop skills in phonics and spelling, and included 10 more blank cards so your child can add personal words like family names or favorite foods.
Plus, you can keep track of which words your child has learned with the color-coded meter on the side of this box. Once your child feels comfortable with a card, flip it upside down, move it to the back of the box behind the divider, and watch your child’s reading skillset grow!


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