SwaddlePlus (Pack of 4) - Partly Sunny - Aden + Anais

Out Of Stock SwaddlePlus (Pack of 4) - Partly Sunny - Aden + Anais - BabyOnline HK

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HK$ 329 HK$ 296
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Aden + Anais - SwaddlePlus (Pack of 4)

No matter how you’re using our 100% cotton muslin swaddle—stroller cover, burp cloth or nursing cover to name just a few—it surrounds your little one in comfy goodness.  For countless generations, mothers have swaddled and cared for their children with natural muslin.  Aden Anais® continues this tradition with our classic muslin swaddles.  The breathable fabric helps reduce the risk of overheating, while the signature prints complement your unique style.

  • Four 44" x 44" (112 x 112cm) pre-washed 100% cotton muslin swaddles
  • Breathable: helps reduce the risk of overheating
  • Generous Size: makes swaddling easy
  • Comfy: gets softer with every wash
  • Versatile: works as a stroller or nursing cover, changing pad cover, burp cloth, tummy time blanket and more
machine washable soft breathable size
  pre-washed and stays soft wash after wash helps reduce the risk of overheating four 44" x 44" (112 x 112cm)
 muslin swaddles

the benefits of swaddling

swaddling is one of the most gentle, effective and beneficial practices for parents and their children

It is said to be familiar to babies, as it recreates the secure and cozy feeling of the womb. It has also been said that swaddling babies prevents spontaneous movements called the moro or startle reflex from waking them*—which allows for a much more peaceful night's sleep.

In his wildly popular baby care book, The Happiest Baby on the Block (2003), famed American pediatrician Dr. Harvey Karp touts the magical qualities of swaddling, among them soothing crying babies and lulling them to sleep. He explains that swaddling triggers a “relaxation” mechanism in infants that helps soothe them.* And some touch therapists say that swaddling can even help develop an infant’s tactile system so they become comfortable with being touched, which is key to healthy development.*

While we now have the scientific evidence to prove it, swaddling’s ability to soothe and calm babies has been known around the world for centuries. The oldest archaeological evidence of mothers swaddling their babies begins in 4000 B.C. with the migrating peoples of ancient central Asia. The ancient Greeks and Romans swaddled. There are even biblical references to the practice.*

Born and raised in Australia, aden + anais co-founder Raegan Moya-Jones grew up with her native land’s time-honored practice of swaddling babies in cotton muslin blankets. For countless generations, Aussie parents have comforted and secured their children in this supremely soft, breathable fabric. In 2006, Raegan introduced the first muslin swaddle blanket to the United States, and aden + anais’ award-winning original swaddle continues to set the standard worldwide.

how to swaddle

With this step-by-step guide and a little practice, you’ll be a master swaddler in no time

step by step guide

The beauty of swaddling is in its simplicity. If you have muslin and two loving hands, you can’t go wrong. It’s just about finding a technique and establishing a routine that both you and your little one are most comfortable with.

step 1

Fold the swaddle into a triangle, and place baby in the center with shoulders just be-low the fold.

step 2

Place baby’s right arm alongside the body, slightly bent. Take the same side of the swaddle and pull it securely across baby’s arm and chest, tucking the fabric under the baby. Leave the left arm free.

step 3

Fold the bottom of the swaddle up and over baby’s feet. Tuck the point of the fabric into the top of the swaddle.

step 4

Place baby’s left arm alongside the body, slightly bent. Take the remaining swaddle, and wrap it over baby’s arm and chest, tucking the fabric under baby to secure the swaddle.

6 ways to use your swaddle

this do-it-all fabric’s uses go way beyond bedtime to help simplify what can be a chaotic time


burp cloth

With its generous size, our swaddle blanket moonlights as a burp cloth that offers maximum coverage. The breathable, soft fabric keeps your little one comfortable for as long as it takes you to get the elusive burp. It’s also great to have on hand to wipe up spills and spit ups.

tummy time blanket

Big enough to accommodate exploratory rolls and soft enough to comfort delicate skin, a breathable swaddle blanket is the perfect place for mini muscles to get an impromptu workout.

nursing cover

Thanks to its open weave, our breathable muslin prevents baby—and mom— from overheating while nursing, creating a private comfortable space for on-the-go feedings. 

stroller cover

Whether you’re creating a shady oasis or a stimulation-free space for a midday slumber, our breathable muslin’s open weave allows for airflow, keeping baby comfy while nestled in a covered stroller. 

changing table cover

Our muslin is not only durable, but it gets even softer with each wash, making it the ideal cover for changing tables—yours, a friend’s, a public restroom’s—where messy moments are inevitable.


We truly believe that the comfort and security babies feel when swaddled is universal. It is said to be familiar to them, as it recreates the secure and cozy feeling of the womb, helping little ones to sleep longer and more soundly. 

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