The Book of ... Who? - KingFisher

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型 號: KFS-9780753431054
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 80 HK$ 64
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Kingfisher - The Book of ... Who?

Follow the fun and friendly characters to discover the answers to questions you've always wanted to ask. Each title in the series will allow readers to enjoy learning about their favourite topics, including dinosaurs, creepy crawlies, space, science and many more.

Ever wondered who were the first people in space? Or who reads back-to-front? And just who wrote in a secret code? The Book of Who? by Ray Bryant answers a wide range of ‘who?' questions and provides further information with fun-filled facts. Appealing artworks help explain the answers, allowing children to build up their knowledge on a variety of subjects.

出版社 KingFisher
ISBN 9780753431054
插圖者 Ray Bryant
種類 軟皮書
頁數 64 pages
尺碼 200 x 200 mm

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