The LEGO Book - DK

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型 號: DK-9780756666934
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HK$ 250 HK$ 159
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DK - The LEGO® Book

Discover all there is to know about one of the world's most beloved toy companies.

Beautiful pages reveal, explore, and celebrate the fascinating story of LEGO® bricks and the history behind them in this newly updated edition of The LEGO® Book. Along with 56 new pages, a timeline highlights key moments in LEGO history, and special features spotlight numerous groundbreaking and momentous achievements. Includes new and updated information about LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Ninjago, LEGO Friends, and much more.

Explore all the main LEGO toy systems, the LEGOLAND® theme parks with their amazing animated models, and the LEGO Group's spectacular diversification into films, video games, and the visual arts. Incorporating clear instruction panels on how to create great models from just a few simple bricks, The LEGO® Book is truly a treasure perfect for any LEGO fan!

出版社 DK Publishing, Inc.
ISBN 9780756666934
種類 硬皮 / 紙內容
頁數 256
尺碼 234 x 278 mm

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