The Sea Squad - Puppet-on-a-Stick - Dippper - Educational Insights

Out Of Stock The Sea Squad - Puppet-on-a-Stick - Dippper - Educational Insights - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: EDI-086002001979
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 100 HK$ 90
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Educational Insights - The Sea Squad™ Puppet-on-a-Stick™, "Dipper"

Take a swim on the wild side!

Meet Dipper the Octopus. His googly eyes, vivid colors, and hilarious expressions will inspire all sorts of creative play in an instant. Children will flip over this silly sea creature as they dive into worlds of dramatic play, while developing communication skills and practicing real and imaginary dialogue! Pretend play and puppet shows become a splash with this comical marine friend, and story time is transformed into an adventure. Our kid-approved, patent-pending design marries an easy-glide child-sized thumb lever and a chunky, secondary knob, giving kids (and adults who need a good giggle) two ways to articulate the puppet’s mouth. Built to last through many childhoods, the puppet’s soft-touch molded body reinforces our hallmark Educational Insights quality standard. Grades Pre-K+ 

Prefect For: Puppet shows, story time, circle time, and more!

Bob measures 12.75" / 33cm (h)


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