The Secret of Play - DK

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型 號: DK-9780756641009
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DK - The Secret of Play: How to Raise Smart, Healthy, Caring Kids from Birth to Age 12

The Secret of Play is a parenting book that celebrates the good stuff the fun, spontaneity, creativity, and inspiration children bring to our lives every day. It s about helping them to be happier, healthier, more caring, and more creative by understanding and encouraging what they do best: play. Through play, children explore the world around them, develop an understanding of who they are, make exciting discoveries, boost their brainpower, strengthen relationships, and experience the healing power of a shared laugh.

Drawing on the latest research on brain development, social-emotional growth, and learning, The Secret of Play lays out a blueprint for play, from the first months of life through the tween years. The Secret of Play provides information about the value of play at each age and stage. Readers will learn which ideas, toys, and games are developmentally appropriate. The age-by-age format makes this a book parents will want to keep on their shelves for a long time. Like the best parenting books, it will be one to dip in and out of as kids hit certain markers a great gift with lasting value.

出版社 DK Publishing, Inc.
ISBN 9780756641009
種類 軟皮 / 紙內容
頁數 176 pages
尺碼 235 x 185 mm

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