Toddler Wobbler (Red) - BRIO

Out Of Stock Toddler Wobbler (Red) - BRIO - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: BRI-7312350313505
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 489 HK$ 449
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BRIO - Toddler Wobbler

The perfect toy for young ones just starting to walk. The sturdy Toddler Wobbler helps young kids balance as they start to walk. They will be delighted as they fill it full of their toys and push it from one room to another.

Little tots love to transport their favorite toys and teddies from room to room with the safe and durable Toddler Wobbler. This wonderfully simple pushcart is brightly colored and sized just right for little ones who are new to walking. Features 4" rubber wheels and a smooth and sturdy arched metal handle. Cart section is wood.

A walking toy that keeps pace with the child's development. The classic BRIO toddler wobbler comes equipped with an adjustable handle and brake, letting you adapt it to the child's progress.

  • All wood construction
  • Perfect for toddlers to transport toys
  • Sturdy 4" rubber wheels
  • Brightly colored
  • Sized for little ones
  • Provide balance as kids learn to walk
  • Adjustable handle and brakes
  • Can be filled with lots of toys
  • Some assembly required
  • Suitable for 9 months and older
  • 19" long / high

9 months and above


Responsibly managed wood

All of BRIO wooden toys are made from FSC® certified wood.

Wood is a one of BRIO’s strongest signifiers, and many of our wooden products have become icons in the world of toys.

But with the use of wood comes a responsibility, a responsibility of making sure that our products aren’t produced at the expense of the environment. 
From 2014, one hundred percent of our wooden toys will be made from FSC® certified wood. The FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is a non-profit organisation that safeguards, monitors and encourages sustainable forest management. A FSC certification means that all the wood use at BRIO is traceable and that it originates from responsibly managed forests. It guarantees that the raw materials do not come from illegal logging sources. An FSC certification also represents an ongoing effort to improve forest workers’ conditions. 
BRIO is focused on seeing children develop through play, but they should be able to do so in a world where we have taken responsibility for a sustainable future. And that is why BRIO will never stop working to improve our environmental performance
年齡組別 9 個月或以上

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