Totally Natural Macaroni & Cheese (25% Less Sodium) - Annie's Homegrown

Out Of Stock Totally Natural Macaroni & Cheese (25% Less Sodium) - Annie's Homegrown - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

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型 號: AHG-013562300112
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 29
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  • Made With Organic Pasta
  • Rabbit of Approval Totally Natural
  • 25% Less Sodium Than the Leading Brands*
  • 100% Real Cheese
  • Classic Mild Cheese
  • Tastes Great!
  • No Artificial Anything!
  • 0g Trans Fat
  • Naturally Good Source of Calcium and Protein
  • Certified Organic by Oregon Tilth

*Annie's 25% Less Sodium has 430 mg sodium per serving. The leading brands average 590 mg sodium per serving.

Dear Friend,

Annie's Homegrown's 20th birthday is a good time for reflection, and what comes to my mind at this time is the loyalty of Annie's consumers over the past two decades. With their suggestions and support, we have introduced dozens of new products. From our earliest purple box mac and cheese through side dishes, snack crackers, cereals, and fruit snacks, feedback from our fans has helped shape both our recipes and our final decisions.

That brings me to a new product, Annie's Lower Sodium Macaroni & Cheese. Many of you have contacted us to ask for a lower sodium macaroni and cheese product. With increasing numbers of people diagnosed with hypertension and heart conditions, we agree with our consumers that offering a lower sodium product is the right thing to do. The challenge has been to create a heart-healthier recipe that actually tastes good.

We think we have met the challenge! Made with certified organic elbow pasta and creamy, mild cheddar cheese, Annie's Lower Sodium Macaroni & Cheese will provide a real comfort food experience- delicious taste with the added comfort of knowing that this meal is lower in sodium. We believe we have successfully combined the adjectives heart-healthy and tasty in one recipe. Please let us know what you think. As always, we're listening.

Bye for now, Annie

Suggested Use

Annie's Way in 10 Minutes:

  1. Boil: 6 cups of water in a medium saucepan.
  2. Stir in: pasta, bring to boil. Cook 8-10 minutes, or until done, stirring occasionally.
  3. Drain Pasta: in colander. While pasta is draining...
  4. Add: 3 Tbsp lowfat milk to the warm saucepan. (Optional: Add 2 Tbsp unsalted butter for richer flavor)
  5. Sprinkle: cheese over milk; stir to combine.
  6. Add: cooked pasta back to saucepan and stir well.


Annie's Suggestion: For a richer flavor, add 2 Tbsp unsalted butter. For a creamy, tangy version, replace milk with 1/2 cup lowfat yogurt.

此日期前最佳 23 Jan 2014

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