Trunki 小朋友行李箱 - Skye the Spaceship - Trunki

-20% Out Of Stock Trunki 小朋友行李箱 - Skye the Spaceship - Trunki - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: TRU-5055192203116
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 499 HK$ 399
您節省了: 20% (-HK$ 100)
購買數量: 加入購物車

Trunki - Ride-On Suitcase

Trunki allows kids to pack, carry and ride on their suitcase in a safe and fun way. Trunki ride on luggage gives you a chance to relax, while the kids can entertain themselves with its useful, safe and sturdy design.Hand luggage approved with a generous 18L capacity, Trunki is strong and durable weighing in at only 1.7kg.  Soft rubber rims prevent little fingers from being caught and a wide, stable wheel base ensures safe riding around airport terminals.  When tiredness sets in, a shoulder strap allows adults to carry or pull Trunki with kids in tow

*Hand luggage allowances vary so we recommend checking with your airline before you fly. Recommended for ages 3+

  • Features 18 litre capacity, locking catches and a multifunctional carry / tow strap
  • Teddy bear seat belt, bits pouch and secret compartments
  • Includes Trunki Passport for downloadable activities
  • Capacity - 18 litres
  • Maximum Weight - 50kg

來源地 英國
保養期 五年
生產地 中國

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Trunki 小朋友行李箱 - 蜜蜂 -14% Out Of Stock
Trunki - 小朋友行李箱 Trunki 的每一款產品每一處細節設計都彰顯著智慧,飽含趣味性,是小朋友們的旅行良伴。 手把 - 方便出門時快速離開。 ..
499 HK$ 428