Usborne Big Picture Book - Outdoors - Usborne

Usborne Big Picture Book - Outdoors - Usborne - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: USB-9781409598732
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Usborne Big Picture Book  - Outdoors

The beautiful pictures in this book are full of wildlife to look out for when you’re outdoors. There are birds, butterflies and plants to spot by a river, in the fields or on a city ramble, and pages on the seasons and creatures to look out for after dark. Children will love browsing the pictures at home — then spotting the wildlife outside.

Listen to Usborne Publishing Director Jenny Tyler talking about The Big Book of Outdoors.

作者 Minna Lacey
出版社 Usborne
ISBN 9781409598732
插圖者 Rachel Stubbs and John Russell
種類 硬皮
頁數 32
尺碼 290 x 240mm
國家 英國

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