Lift-the-flap a*b*c - Usborne

Lift-the-flap a*b*c - Usborne - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: USB-9781474922203
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HK$ 149 HK$ 134
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An Usborne Flap Book - Lift-the-flap a*b*c

A fun, interactive way to learn the alphabet, with letter, sound and formation activities and over 100 flaps to lift. 

Children can match sounds and letters on the farm, guess letter sounds for animals at the zoo, find toys in the toyshop, and much more. 

There’s also a page of little and big letters, and alphabet letters to trace with their finger.


出版社 Usborne Publishing Ltd
ISBN 9781474922203
插圖者 Melisande Luthringer
種類 硬皮 / 厚片紙
頁數 16 pages
尺碼 258 x 216mm

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