The Usborne Book of Knowledge - Usborne

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型 號: USB-9781409527688
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 130 HK$ 117
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The Usborne Book of Knowledge

Covers an amazing array of subjects including science and technology, geology, the human body, geography, history, plants and animals and much, much more.
Illustrated with stunning photographs, original art work, clear, easy-to-follow diagrams and colourful maps.
Includes a world atlas, flags, a gazetteer, timelines, star charts and a detailed appendix of facts and lists.
Over 180 internet links to recommended websites via the Usborne Quicklinks Website.

作者 Emma Helbrough
出版社 Usborne Publishing Ltd
ISBN 9781409527688
種類 軟皮
頁數 208
尺碼 230 x 178mm

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