Usborne - Lift-the-Flap - How do I see? - Usborne

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型 號: USB-9781474917926
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Usborne Lift-the-Flap First Questions and Answers How do I see?

With lots of flaps to lift on every page, this informative book answers the questions that all young children have about their senses. Each page asks a different question, such as ‘How do I taste things?’, ‘How do I see?’ and ‘How do I hear?’. A wonderful introduction to the senses for inquisitive young minds.


作者 Katie Daynes
出版社 Usborne Publishing Ltd
ISBN 9781474917926
插圖者 Christine Pym
種類 硬皮 / 厚片紙
頁數 12
尺碼 216 x 192mm

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