天然水果冰冰 - 菠蘿椰子 (10條) - Smooze!

Out Of Stock 天然水果冰冰 - 菠蘿椰子 (10條) - Smooze! - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

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型 號: SMZ-8886303245216
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 58
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Smooze Mango and Coconut Fruit Ice - Simply freeze, cut, push, slurp and enjoy! Gluten free, dairy free, egg free, soy free and nut free.

Unlike other frozen treats our ingredient don’t come from a mad scientist’s lab. Smooze is simply made with freshly pressed coconut milk, real fruit juices, and fruit purees – not concentrates or reconstituted juices.

We then add natural ingredients like:
- Fruit Pectin: a natural dietary fibre found in citrus rind, which makes Smooze creamy. This is what makes the fruit juices & purees gel together with the coconut (it’s called stabilizer on the pack)
- Citric acid: found in citrus fruits and gives Smooze it’s fruity tang and acts as a natural preservative
- Ascorbic acid: a natural preservative that contains vitamin C
- Fruit flavours: all straight from nature
- Sugar: Smooze has on average 40% less sugar than other frozen treats

There’s almost zero chance of Smooze affecting your cholesterol.
To begin with – Smooze is 100% cholesterol free!
Years ago we thought all fats were bad for us, even olive oil. Unfortunately there is still a general misconception that coconut milk is bad for you because it was believed to raise blood cholesterol and cause heart disease. The only “proof” is one forty-year-old study that used highly processed and modified coconut oil. Widespread studies of coconut-consuming populations show that there is no direct link to high cholesterol or heart disease.

What about the saturated fats in coconuts? Leading scientists now recognise that just as there are healthy types of cholesterol, there are also good forms of saturated fats. Short and medium-chain fats, such as those found in coconut milk, are easily digested, metabolised and quickly converted into energy. These types of fats have almost zero opportunity to be stored in the body as fat. Nutritionist and accredited dietitian, Dr Joanna McMillan Price recently stated that “the saturated fat found in coconut milk, once considered unhealthy, is now recognised as a favourable type of fat. Coconut milk contains medium chain triglycerides; good fats that do not raise cholesterol and are used by the body as a preferred source of energy. This means that Smooze offers health-conscious consumers creamy-textured, tropical frozen refreshment that’s lower in fat and legitimately healthier than dairy-based treats.”
Smooze contains significantly less fat, sugar and kilojoules per gram than a serve of vanilla ice-cream . . .and who stops at 1 x scoop?
Why we don’t use reconstituted juices or concentrates.

Smooze is only ever made from fresh juices and purees, it never contains concentrates or reconstituted juices. So naturally, they’ll always taste better and be healthier for you than those heated-up, cooled-down, water added to, factory-made concentrates.

Smooze is:
- 100% free of artificial colours & flavours
- Completely preservative free
- Dairy free
- Gluten free
- Cholesterol free
- GM free
- 100% Vegan
- Free from trans fats
- Certified Kosher
- Certified Halal

Ingredients: Pineapple juice 50%, coconut milk 38%, natural cane sugar, pectin, citric acid, natural fruit flavors, ascorbic acid.


此日期前最佳 5 Jul 2013

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