嬰兒包巾 - 長頸鹿 - The Gro Company

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型 號: GRO-5055653774049
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The Gro Company - GroSwaddle 

Grobag 包巾的形狀設計巧 妙,無需 啪啪扣、 Velcro® 魔術扣或繫帶, 也可把寶寶包裹起來。只是一片布料便足以保 持寶寶的舒適,但又不會令他們太熱,或是要 把寶寶包得像纏繃帶一樣!真是好,又有一夜 安眠了!

是給寶寶安全感的好方法, 小寶寶最愛舒適蜷伏的安全感, 就像他們在母親肚子裡一樣。


  • 初生至三個月適用
  • 輕巧合適的包裹
  • 100% 彈性棉
  • 沒有魔術貼、啪鈕或拉鏈
  • 年齡:初生至三個月
  • 高度:至62厘米
  • 重量:至14磅/ 6.5公斤


When can I first start using a Gro-swaddle?

The Gro-swaddle is suitable for use from newborn up until around 3 months.

What should my baby wear under a Gro-swaddle?

It is very important that you check on your newborn baby regularly to ensure that s/he is not too hot or too cold. To do this, simply place your fingers gently onto her back or chest. It is normal for a young baby’s fingers and toes to feel cold, so this is why its important to check the back or chest.

What your baby wears will depend, not only on the temperature of the bedroom, but also on your individual baby, and, with regular checking, you will soon get used to knowing what level of clothing works best. As a general rule, in the recommended nursery temperature of 16-20Oc,  we recommend either a cotton bodysuit (short sleeves and no legs), or a cotton sleepsuit (with legs and arms). If the bedroom is on the cool side, or your baby feels cool to the touch on her back/chest, then it is fine to layer the clothing, using both a bodysuit and sleepsuit.

In a very warm bedroom, you could simply use the Gro-swaddle with no clothing underneath. If the bedroom is hot (over 24OC), try to cool it down, and if this is not possible, consider not using the Swaddle until it is cooler.

As your baby gets older and you want to move to underarm swaddling, so that your baby’s arms are not covered by the Swaddle, you may want to adjust the level of clothing to account for this. For under-arm swaddling, in the recommended nursery temperatures of 16-20OC, a cotton long-sleeved sleepsuit or both a bodysuit and long-sleeved sleepsuit are recommended.

What tog is a Gro-swaddle?

Because the Gro-swaddle is a single layer and “worn” close to the body, we do not provide a tog rating. Newborn and very young babies are all individual, and the most important thing is to check on your baby regularly to ensure that s/he is at a comfortable temperature. Please see What should my baby wear under a Gro-swaddle  for more information.

Can I use a Gro-swaddle in a Moses Basket?

The Gro-swaddle is perfect for use in a Moses Basket. You can also use it in a cot or a pram.

When should I change from over-arm to under-arm swaddling?

Newborn babies usually like to be swaddled over-arm. This gives them the secure feeling that they were used to in the womb, which can help them to settle to sleep better. You will probably find that anywhere between 3 and 6 weeks of age, your baby prefers to sleep with under arm swaddling, but still with the nice comfortable wrap around his tummy. However, all babies are different, and you will soon get to know what suits your own baby best.

When should I move my baby from a Gro-swaddle to a Grobag Baby Sleep Bag?

Once your baby is happy with under-arm swaddling, and is wanting to move around a little more in his sleep, this is an ideal time to start using a Grobag Baby Sleep Bag. The first size Grobag Baby Sleep Bag can be used from when your baby weighs 4kg (8.8lbs).

Can I use a Gro-swaddle with a Grobag baby sleep bag?

You should never use a Swaddle and a Baby Sleep Bag together.

Can I use a Gro-swaddle with a blanket over the top?

The Gro-swaddle should be used with out any extra top bedding as it is very important to ensure that your baby does not get too hot.


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