Prettier Playmat - Berber Collection - Camel Ochre (120 x 180cm) - ToddleKind

-20% Out Of Stock Prettier Playmat - Berber Collection - Camel Ochre (120 x 180cm) - ToddleKind - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: TDK-4260620338693
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 949 HK$ 759
您節省了: 20% (-HK$ 190)
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Toddlekind - Prettier Playmat - Berber Collection

A textured yet cool, this Moroccan-inspired Berber design offers geometric lines on a textured background. The bold, tonal textures create the look of a traditional woven rug.

  • Designed in Germany

Having a stylish home really is child’s play! As parents we make lots of compromises for our children, but style shouldn´t be one of them. Our playmats will transform any space into an elegant and tasteful space. Babies and toddlers are protected from bumps and falls without you having to compromise your style. Our playmats can seamlessly fit into any space and multiple packs can be joined together. 

NOTE: Color on screen may varies


Toddlekind® playmats are comprised of deluxe 60cm x 60cm tiles which each include edging bonders that give a seamless rug-like-look. Not only are the tiles easy to assemble, but you can pick a size to fit your home. Multiple packs can be joined together to cover any space.

Includes six (6) 60 x 60cm tiles and twelve (12) edging bonders.

來源地 德國
生產地 台灣

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