Look Inside a Castle (Flap Book) - Usborne

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型 號: USB-9781409566175
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HK$ 160 HK$ 120
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Usborne - Look Inside a Castle

  • Lift the flaps to explore behind the scenes of a bustling medieval castle as Lord Robert and Lady Margaret hold a feast, watch a tournament and fight off fearsome enemies.
  • Amid the hustle and bustle in the colourful illustrations, find flaps beneath flaps and many more surprises to keep enquiring minds entertained.
  • Young readers can meet lords, ladies, knights and squires and find out how they live, work, fight and relax in their magnificent castle home.

作者 Conrad Mason
出版社 Usborne Publishing Ltd
ISBN 9781409566175
插圖者 Barry Ablett
種類 厚皮書
頁數 14
尺碼 216 x 192mm
國家 英國

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