Number BubbleBrix - Educational Insights

Number BubbleBrix - Educational Insights - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: EDI-086002025999
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 339 HK$ 305
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Educational Insights - Number BubbleBrix™

Number BubbleBrix™ is the multisensory bubble popper fidget toy that helps children build early maths skills through tactile, hands-on learning. Press a number brick, feel, and hear it pop, and say the number. Interlock the bricks to create a number sentence. Includes 42 Number BubbleBrix in a storage bucket with convenient carry handle.

BubbleBrix are bursting with fidgety, snappy, learning play!

  • Press a number bubble, feel it pop, learn its name and value, and snap it to another number block to build simple math equations.
  • Includes 42 BubbleBrix, handled storage bucket, and activity guide packed with early math activities.


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