Picture Book (PB): Disney Olaf's Frozen Adventure - Parragon

-51% Picture Book (PB): Disney Olaf's Frozen Adventure - Parragon - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: PRG-9781474890915
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 79 HK$ 39
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Parragon - Disney - Olaf's Frozen Adventure

Disney Olaf's Frozen Adventure is a beautifully illustrated picture book, featuring artwork based on the Disney Frozen holiday special. It's Anna and Elsa's first holiday together and they've planned a surprise party for the whole town. But when they ring in the festivities they discover that they have no family tradition to help them celebrate the season. With the help of Olaf, Sven and Kristoff, will the sisters create a holiday tradition all of their own? Find out in this heartwarming tale.

作者 Amy Sky Koster
出版社 Parragon
ISBN 9781474890915
插圖者 Annette Marnat
種類 軟皮書

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顧客評分: 差評           好評

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