Noisy Peekaboo - Choo! Choo! - DK

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型 號: DK-9780756658656
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DK - Noisy Peekaboo - Choo! Choo!

Play peekaboo with your baby and hear them giggle in delight as they discover toys under the flaps and hear five amazing sounds!

Read together and lift the giant flaps to reveal noisy toys. Where's the train hiding? Lift the flap and hear a Choo! Choo! And where's mouse? Lift the flap to hear a squeak! Find all the toys as they wait to say peekaboo!

An award-winning series for babies, perfect for developing imagination, early-thinking and memory skills.

作者 Dawn Sirett
出版社 DK Publishing, Inc.
ISBN 9780756658656
種類 厚皮書
頁數 12 pages
尺碼 238 x 238mm

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