有機朱古力布丁 120g - Only Organic

Out Of Stock 有機朱古力布丁 120g - Only Organic - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: OLO-9403145303707
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 23 HK$ 21
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3或更多: HK$ 20
折扣: 13% (-HK$ 3)
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Only Organic - Organic Chocolate Custard

Only Organic chocolate custard is perfect forbabies to eat as it has  alovely smooth texture which is easy to swallow for little mouths.  This chocolate custard is made from a traditional recipe using the goodness of organic whole milk, cocoa and vanilla.

Product Features

  • Certified Organic
  • Made in New Zealand
  • No artificial flavours or colours
  • No added preservatives
  • For 9 - 36 months


Whole Milk (Water, Whole Milk Powder)*, Sugar*, Ground Rice*, Cocoa Powder (1.7%)*, Vegetable Gums (Guar Gum, Locust Bean Gum)*, Vanilla Extract*. Sweetened.

*Certified Organic Ingredients

Third Foods: 9 months+

By the time your baby is 9 months old they have developed a whole new range of feeding skills (as well as teeth). As babies grow, so do their appetites and in the period between nine and twelve months of age babies begin to source a greater proportion of their nutritional intakes from solid foods.  Breast milk or infant formula is still important three times a day as well as solid food.

Encourage self-feeding even if it is messy

It is all a learning experienceAlthough your baby may want more "grown-up" foods, be sure to balance his/her diet with Only Organic Third Foods (as well as favourites from the Only Organic First Foods and Second Foods ranges).

Remember that mealtimes are not just about eating

As your baby grows and develops, feeding and mealtimes are no longer just a time for eating, it’s also a chance for social interaction. Relax and enjoy your baby's food exploration. Introducing new foods is always a process of trial and error.

By the end of baby’s first year he/she will be eating three meals a day plus snacks as well as breast feeds and/or cups of milk, water, diluted fruit juice. If your baby is bottle fed, now is the time to encourage your baby to have his/her formula or milk drink in a cup.

Your baby is probably trying to feed him/herself with a spoon now, often without much success. By the end of this stage, though, your baby may actually get the spoon in his/her mouth at times.  You can help your baby learn by letting him/her hold on to the spoon as you feed them.

Now your baby will be eating a big variety of healthy foods with the rest of the family. By 12 months your baby may have up to eight teeth but may not yet have molars. Avoid very hard foods such as pieces of raw carrot, nuts, hard lollies, sausages with tough skin – these foods can cause you baby to choke and are best avoided unless the textures is modified e.g. cook the carrot until soft, peanut butter instead of nuts etc.

Increasing Solid Food

Every baby is different. Your baby will let you know how much he needs to eat and what he likes or doesn’t. Your baby’s appetite for solid foods may also vary greatly from day to day (especially if your baby is teething; is unwell or is not growing as fast).

Why Only Organic?

Only Organic make tasty, nutritious meals and snacks for your baby. We were the first certified babyfood range in New Zealand and Australia - and we only use the best organic ingredients from certified organic farms to give a burst of meadow goodness in every mouthful.

來源地 紐西蘭
生產地 紐西蘭
此日期前最佳 2016 年 12 月 23 日

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