有機酥餅條 (甘薯+迷迭香) - 5 包裝 - Happy Baby

Out Of Stock 有機酥餅條 (甘薯+迷迭香) - 5 包裝 - Happy Baby - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: HBB-819573014181
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 69 HK$ 62
您節省了: 10% (-HK$ 7)
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Happy Baby - Chickpea Straws - Organic Sweet Potato + Rosemary

Meet the newest member of Happy Baby Love My Veggies snack collection. This wholesome, crunchy Chickpea Straws make it easy for your active tot to eat (and enjoy!) real organic vegetables and legumes. Each single-serve snack pack contains over 75% vegetables for effortlessly nutritious snacking, perfect for lunchboxes and between-meals munching.

Savory, crunchy and totally delicious, our sweet potato and rosemary Chickpea Straws satisfy toddlers and parents alike! Made to help the energetic tot (and sometimes picky eater) consume his or her daily vegetables, this baked snack contains nourishing ingredients, including organic garbanzo beans, real organic sweet potatoes, and a hint of yummy rosemary. These delicious bites may have your tot cheering, “Love my veggies!” in no time.

Allergen info:

No known allergens

Did you know?

Chickpeas are the most popular legumes around the world.


Over 75% veggies in each bag

NO Sugar or Added Sugar!



Organic chickpea flour, organic peas, organic millet flour, organic canola oil, organic sweet potato powder, salt, calcium carbonate, mixed tocopherols (to preserve freshness), organic rosemary oil.

來源地 美國
此日期前最佳 2020 年 5 月 7 日

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