濕紙巾盒 - 水藍色 - OXO

Out Of Stock 濕紙巾盒 - 水藍色 - OXO - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: OXO-719812932446
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 239 HK$ 215
您節省了: 10% (-HK$ 24)
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OXO Tot Perfect Pull Wipes Dispenser

Diapers, wipes, powders, creams and a little one wriggling around on the changing table is a lot to handle. Simplify every diaper changing routine by keeping wipes conveniently within reach, with one-handed accessibility. The OXO Tot Perfect Pull Wipes Dispenser opens with a simple push on the lid and allows wipes to be removed easily one at a time through a weighted interior plate that keeps the rest of the pile perfectly in place. No more fishing around in a disposable package, the next wipe will always be ready and waiting. Dispenser lid seals in freshness with a silicone gasket ensuring that wipes stay moist and gentle. Dispenser fits all pre-packaged, pop-up style wipes, up to a 100-count package. A weighted plate and non-slip feet both help keep the Dispenser in place on the changing table. A clear front window indicates when it's time to stock up on more wipes, polished plastic is easy to wipe clean and its sleek white design goes with any decor. When it comes to diaper changing, the OXO Tot Perfect Pull Wipes Dispenser is the next best thing to an extra pair of hands.


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