Master Skills Series - English - Grade 6 - Other Book Publishers

Master Skills Series - English - Grade 6 - Other Book Publishers - BabyOnline HK

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品 牌: Other Book Publishers
型 號: OBP-719531120162
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 70 HK$ 63
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Master Skills Series - English - Grade 6

Master Skills English for students in grade 6 is the perfect workbook to help children achieve mastery of the English skills necessary to succeed in school! --Designed by educational experts, specifically for children in grade 6, this essential workbook teaches children basic English concepts and skills and then offers a variety of activities for skill-and-drill practice.

Skills covered include: vocabulary; nouns and verbs; past, present, and future tense verbs; irregular verbs; conjunctions; types of sentences; adjectives and adverbs; synonyms and antonyms! Its 128 pages feature challenging lesson content with real-life applications, easy-to-understand directions, and a complete answer key. --The Master Skills series has drawn national acclaim for its vivid illustrations, challenging lesson content and real-life applications. It spans grades K through 6 in six key subject areas: reading comprehension, English, math, reading, spelling & writing, and thinking skills. It is the perfect workbook series to teach children learning fundamentals.

出版社 School Specialty Publushing
ISBN 719531120162
頁數 128
尺碼 214 x 275 mm

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