Sassi Family - Dreams and Ladders - Sassi Junior

-23% Sassi Family - Dreams and Ladders - Sassi Junior - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: SAS-9788868602413
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 129 HK$ 99
您節省了: 23% (-HK$ 30)
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Sassi Family - Dreams and Ladders

Developed with the help of a child psychologist, SASSI FAMILY games involve children in activities that help them develop their memories, improve the mind-body connection and share their thoughts and feelings. Everybodys a winner when families spend time together, relaxing, sharing and having fun! 
Embark on a joyful journey with the Toffee monkey, the Marshmallow cat and the Choco baby elephant, who will invite you to share your dreams, to thank for the day and make plans for the next one.
Uniqueness and benefits of the game: 
  • ​development of basic organizational skills
  • fun and enriching the quality of time
  • creating feelings of gratitude
  • strengthening of emotional intelligence
  • encouragement for positive communication between children and parents

  • Age: 5 years +
  • Players: 2 -4
  • Time: 15 Minutes
  • Inside the box you will find: a puzzle of 9 pieces to build the game board, 18 illustrated cards, a dice, 4 pawns, instructions and useful tips for parents

NOTE: Illustrated Packing might looks a different from actual as the packing is changing from time to time and we are trying our best to post the latest picture of the packing.


來源地 意大利
生產地 中國

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