New Sprouts Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Baskets (52 pieces) - Learning Resources

New Sprouts Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Baskets (52 pieces) - Learning Resources - BabyOnline HK

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Learning Resources - New Sprouts™ Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner Baskets

A healthy appetite for fun!

Kids will love to pretend they’re shopping, cooking, or just sitting down to a healthy pretend meal! These delicious play-foods encourage kids as young as 2 to learn about nutrition, express themselves through imagination and role-play, and build their language skills. Each piece is soft, durable, and feature a contemporary design-perfect for toddlers. 

  • 3 baskets full of highly realistic and durable play food, great for instilling healthy eating habits
  • Help children make good nutritional choices at every meal
  • 3 play sets in one includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner baskets 


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