閃卡 - Animals - Usborne

Out Of Stock 閃卡 - Animals - Usborne - BabyOnline HK

免費本地送貨(香港): 訂單滿HK300

用轉數快(香港)付款 - 額外多98折

型 號: USB-9780746077382
庫存狀態: 產品目前無貨
HK$ 95 HK$ 90
您節省了: 5% (-HK$ 5)
購買數量: 加入購物車

- 16 colourful cards each with a picture of an animal from around the world including a tiger and a penguin.
- The reverse of each card shows a colour to help children learn colours.
- The cards are made from thick card, making them perfect for repeated use by little hands.
- A fun way to help children master key vocabulary quickly and easily.


Size: 11.5 x 17cm


出版社 Usborne
ISBN 9780746077382

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