Noisy Peekaboo - Baa! Baa! - DK

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型 號: DK-9780756642990
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DK - Noisy Peekaboo - Baa! Baa!

Read together and lift the giant flaps to reveal noisy farm animals; then explore the soft, shiny and bumpy textures. Where’s the cow hiding? Lift the flap and she’ll go mooooo. And where’s the cockerel? Lift the flap to hear a cock-a-doodle-doo. Find all the animals as they are waiting to say peekaboo!

An award-winning series for babies, perfect for developing imagination, early-thinking and memory skills. 

作者 Dawn Sirett
出版社 DK Publishing, Inc.
ISBN 9780756642990
種類 厚皮書
頁數 12 pages
尺碼 238 x 238mm

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