AlphaMagnets GO! Spelling - Educational Insights

AlphaMagnets GO! Spelling - Educational Insights - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: EDI-086002016287
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HK$ 242 HK$ 217
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Educational Insights - AlphaMagnets® GO! Spelling

The Big Idea

Little learners build key early literacy skills all on their own with this sturdy, portable set including a magnetic white board with handle and storage.

Psst…They’re Learning!

  • Letter recognition, spelling, and reading
  • Encourages independent learning
  • Manipulating the cards and magnets builds hand strength, fine motor skills, and hand-eye coordination

Cut to the Chase

  • Includes portable magnetic board with handle and storage, 42 magnetic uppercase letters, and 30 double-sided word cards (60 words)
  • Magnetic pieces and cards store easily in the case for early literacy practice anywhere
  • Screen free learning



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