All About Families - Usborne

All About Families - Usborne - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: USB-9781474949071
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 150
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Usborne All About Families

What do families look like? Who’s in your family? And how can families change? With delightful illustrations, this glorious celebration of family diversity talks about lone-parent families, adoptive, foster, divorced, remarried, and mixed race families, and lots, lots more, showing little children that families come in all shapes and sizes.



Made for Mums Award 2019

作者 Felicity Brooks
出版社 Usborne
ISBN 9781474949071
插圖者 Mar Ferrero
種類 厚皮書
頁數 32
尺碼 298 x 247 mm

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