Buddies Pet Set 3 Games in 1 - Learning Resources

Out Of Stock Buddies Pet Set 3 Games in 1 - Learning Resources - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: LER-765023793185
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 299 HK$ 268
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Learning Resources - Buddies Pet Set 3 Games in 1

  • Three Games in One: Build new skills one round at a time with the help of these pet buddies and their kid-friendly games! Colors, Shapes, and Numbers!: Each game helps kids learn a new skill—build color recognition with the puppies, learn shapes with the cats, and count up number skills with the bunnies!
  • Imaginative Pet Friends: Each set of buddies also comes with accessories like treats and food bowls for imaginative pet adventures!
  • Ages and Stages: Specially designed with preschoolers in mind, these games helps kids as young as 4 build critical thinking and other school-ready skills!



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