Skill Builders! Sentence Puzzles - Learning Resources

Skill Builders! Sentence Puzzles - Learning Resources - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: LER-765023060836
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 163 HK$ 146
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Learning Resources - Skill Builders! Sentence Puzzles

Children build new language skills one piece at a time with Skill Builders! Sentence Puzzles. This educational toy’s 100 double-sided puzzle pieces come with 200 words and punctuation marks children can use to begin building sentences, identifying parts of speech, and more. Children can start with simple 2- and 3-word sentences and work their way up to longer, more complex sentences. The set also includes 12 blank, double-sided write-and-wipe pieces onto which children can write words.

Children learn school-ready sentence skills through puzzle play with this hands-on literacy learning set.

  • This educational toy’s 100 double-sided puzzle pieces come with 200 words and punctuation marks children need to begin building sentences, identifying parts of speech, and more.
  • The Skill Builders Sentence Puzzles set also includes 12 double-sided blank write-and-wipe puzzle cards, so children can add their names and other favourite words to the sentence-building fun.
  • These educational jigsaw puzzles grow with your child’s skills – children can start with simple 2- and 3-word sentences and work their way up to longer sentences.
  • When children are done learning language and letters for the day, the Skill Builders Sentence Puzzles set’s box also doubles as reusable storage for quick, easy clean-up.


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