Kumon Focus On - Multiplication Numbers 1 to 10 (Age 7+) - Kumon

Kumon Focus On - Multiplication Numbers 1 to 10 (Age 7+) - Kumon - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: KUM-9781935800408
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 72
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Kumon Focus On - Multiplication Numbers 1 to 10 (Age 7+)

Kumon is a very trusted name in education, but most people associate their materials with early learning. Over the past several years, Kumon has developed math materials up through 6th grade, and these new additions focus on areas in which some students have difficulty. The idea behind this series is to help students 'master' fundamentals for a solid math future.

The Kumon methodology is to tackle one skill at a time and 'focus' upon it until the student understands and can apply it. The workbooks follow a systematic, incremental approach that allows children to learn at their own pace and practices each skill intensely. Each workbook has 27 or 28 two-page lessons, and it is suggested that you do a few pages each day and do the pages in order. The books are printed in black and white with a single accent colour, unlike the regular Kumon math curriculum, which is more colourful. The intention is for the child to complete the workbooks independently and even do their own checking with the answer key found at the back of the book. If a child has difficulty, they should go back to an easier section of the book and redo it; working forward from that point again.

  • 10 ¼ × 7 ¼ inches (18.3 x 25.7cm)
  • paperback
  • 64 pages
出版社 Kumon Publishing
ISBN 9781935800408
頁數 64
尺碼 18.3 x 25.7 cm

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