My First Spanish Word Book - Usborne

My First Spanish Word Book - Usborne - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: USB-9781409597636
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HK$ 145 HK$ 130
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Usborne - My First Spanish Word Book

A delightfully simple illustrated word book that will help children build their Spanish vocabulary. There are over 270 Spanish words for children to spot, talk about and learn, each with its own colourful illustration. Words are grouped into themes including ‘Animals’, ‘At home’, ‘My body’, and ‘Bedtime’ to make them easier to remember. Sturdy board pages mean this book will withstand being looked at time and time again.

作者 Felicity Brooks & Hannah Wood
出版社 Usborne Publishing Ltd
ISBN 9781409597636
插圖者 Rosalinde Bonnet
種類 硬皮書
頁數 20 pages
尺碼 250 x 216mm

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