(HC) Astonishing Animal ABC - Parragon

-50% (HC) Astonishing Animal ABC - Parragon - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: PRG-9781472312419
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 138 HK$ 69
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Parragon - Meadowside - Astonishing Animal ABC

A is for absolutely adorable animals. B is for best-selling illustrator. And C is for the award-winning Charles Fuge, whose irresistible artwork makes this one of the most charming ABC books ever.
Fuge has created a delightful menagerie of creatures, from an ARTY AARDVARK and BOUNCING BEAR to a vet-visiting VULTURE and sweetly WORRIED WALRUS. Playful rhyming text and a fun final tableau will have little ones learning their letters in no time!

作者 Liliana Cinetto
出版社 Parragon Books
ISBN 9781472312419
插圖者 Poly Bernatene
種類 硬封面
頁數 24
尺碼 245 x 245 mm

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