Scratch Surprise - Awesome Worlds - Hinkler

-30% Scratch Surprise - Awesome Worlds - Hinkler - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: HIN-9781488915383
庫存狀態: 有庫存        現貨
HK$ 99 HK$ 69
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Hinkler - Scratch Surprise - Awesome Worlds

Explore the world of etching and scratch-art with the new series, Scratch Surprise. Featuring diggers and dinosaurs, aliens and monsters, My Awesome Scratch Surprise Book will entertain and delight kids of all ages. With a wooden scratch tool included, it's fun on the go.

Learn how to create new designs and gifts using simple supplies and enjoy etching beyond the book.

年齡組別 3Y+
出版社 Hinkler
ISBN 9781488915383
頁數 11
尺碼 260 x 210 mm

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