Tony the Peg Stacker Dump Truck - Learning Resources

Out Of Stock Tony the Peg Stacker Dump Truck - Learning Resources - BabyOnline HK

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型 號: LER-765023091335
庫存狀態: Out Of Stock
HK$ 190 HK$ 171
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Learning Resources - Tony the Peg Stacker Dump Truck

Build all-new fine motor skills alongside this hard-working dump truck! As they stack and sort the 9 colorful barrels atop Tony's truck bed, kids strengthen their hand muscles, coordination, and other fine motor essentials. Barrels come with 3 different shape bases (circles, triangles, and squares) for extra shape-sorting fun. Barrels fit inside truck for easy cleanup!

Skill Sets

  • Fine Motor
  • Color Identification
  • Shape Sorting
  • Counting


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