Stacking Shapes Pegboard - Learning Resources

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Learning Resources - Stacking Shapes Pegboard
Children will spend hours sorting and stacking shapes according to their comparable attributes! These large sized pegs are easy for small hands to handle.


      • Pegboard with 25 holes
      • 25 pegs – 5 red, 5 orange, 5 pink, 5 green and 5 blue
      • Each color has 5 shapes – square, circle, triangle, star and hexagon

Board measures 9.5”L x 9.5”W x .5”H

Grades: Toddler+

Common Core State Standards Alignment: Measurement & Data

Learning Style: Tactile, Visual

Skill Development:

Organization – Have students sort the pegs by color or shape. Then have them stack or place the pegs in rows on the pegboard, again by color or shape. This trains their brains to identify and discriminate between similarities and differences, and focus on visual details, developing visual perceptual skills needed to strengthen overall organization skills.

Fine Motor – Picking up, placing, and removing pegs is good practice in grasping and helps students develop hand-eye coordination, manual dexterity, and the pincer grasp.

Math –Introduce students to repeating patterns, like orange-green-orange-green or circle-triangle-square-circle-triangle-square. Helping students recognize and understand basic patterns prepares them for more advanced math skills such as skip counting, order, and prediction. 



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